Policies and procedures

All of our Policies and Procedures are available to view at the Pre-School. If you would like to arrange to visit or request a copy of these please contact us.

This policy/procedure has been reviewed in January 2024 in line with the EYFS statutory framework for group and school-based providers.

  • Child Protection
    • Children’s rights and entitlements
    • Safeguarding children and child protection
    • Looked after children
    • Uncollected child
    • Missing child
    • Use of mobile phones and cameras
    • Attendance monitoring
    • Operation Encompass – Please take a look at our parent letter below for more information.

  • Suitable People
    • Employment
    • Students and apprentices
    • Code of conduct and E-safety

  • Staff Qualifications, Training, Support and Skills
    • Induction of staff, volunteers and managers
    • First-aid

  • Key Person
    • The role of the key person, settling in and the progress check at age 2
    • EYFS progress check at age 2

  • Staff: Child Ratios
    • Staffing

  • Health
    • Administering medicines

6.1b Emergency administration of Calpol and Piriton

  • Managing children who are sick, infectious or with allergies
  • Recording and reporting of accidents and incidents
  • Nappy changing
  • Food and drink
  • Food hygiene
  • Sun Protection

  • Managing Behaviour
    • Achieving positive behaviour

  • Safety and Suitability of Premises, Environment and Equipment
    • Health and safety general standards
    • Maintaining children’s safety and security on premises
    • Supervision of children on outings and visits
    • Risk assessment
    • Fire safety and emergency evacuation
    • Animals in the setting
    • No smoking
    • Lockdown
    • Staff safety including home visits

  • Equal opportunities
    • Valuing diversity and promoting equality
    • Prevent duty and promoting British values
    • Prevent duty
    • Supporting children with special educational needs
    • SEND early years offer

  • Information and records
    • Admissions
    • Parental involvement
    • Children’s records
    • Providers records
    • Transfer of records to school
    • Confidentiality and client access to records
    • Information sharing
    • Working in partnership with other agencies
    • Making a complaint
    • Settings privacy notice

  • MISC
    • Transitions and continuity
    • Disciplinary procedure
    • Dignity at work